August the Blessed Month..

The month of August is here, I first thank God for the gift of life and that we that is you and I are in August, for it’s never guarantee you’ll see the next day. Recently a young soul was lost a friend passed away,it was abruptly but it was God’s Will and Plan. But what happens when God’s plan hurts? One said “We move on and hope for the best”, at that point is when your Faith comes into action, and believe that God has good plans of future and hope says Jeremiah. It’s my prayer that God’s grace and mercies shall be upon our young life and his Favor be on us this month. All your dreams and desires will be fulfilled just after u believe that God is Able.

This month make sure u pray more, read the bible more, and smile, it doesn’t matter what kind of difficulty you going through, they’ll be days where you loose the  battle but grace says don’t worry  cause  Jesus already won the war. On a lighter note if u are a big fun of social network try using the hashtags to guide you through the week and also connect you to many Christians sharing the same sentiments and prayers like you or you can encourage a stranger any where on Earth some of the hashtags are… #ImelaThursday #WorshipWednesday #WordedTuesday #HappyMonday #SpeedPrayerFriday #BibleSaturday #SermonSunday youth_logo

August for us is a good month, for a lot of schools and institution close for the holidays, and more so the Youth National Conference is on the month of August, so double excitement. The youth conference 2015 will be in Nakuru county. We still trying to convince as many youth as possible to go for the conference for it will be graced by powerful speakers, mentors, singers and best of all You. So join me and the rest of Presbyterians Youth in bringing more youth to this exciting National Youth Conference 2015.  So kuja Twende kazi

Vision Statement
A vibrant and well co-ordinated Youth Movement
 Extending to every corner of East Africa and beyond

How to be, Not just a member but a recognized Youth Member?.

God have your way

P.C.E.A Ayub Kinyua Youth

Youth group- Age bracket of 18-35  years. If you fall in that category then you are a young and youthful human being, hence you  are termed as a  youth. If you want to be a full member of the youth group,it is very simple. Just register as a youth in your respective parish at a cost of an annual amount of 100/=. Easy, right? You will be shocked hIMG-20150705-WA0012ow people forget easy and simple things. Anyway ,after that step of being a registered member, you take heels to the next step- assuming you are a Newbie ( a recently joined member of the youth group), you register for the youth seminar and get commissioned and you will qualify for the card, which will cost you 250/=.

After been awarded the membership card, you will qualify for a youth badge after 6 months of good morals, yeah you have to…

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How to be, Not just a member but a recognized Youth Member?.

Youth group- Age bracket of 18-35  years. If you fall in that category then you are a young and youthful human being, hence you  are termed as a  youth. If you want to be a full member of the youth group,it is very simple. Just register as a youth in your respective parish at a cost of an annual amount of 100/=. Easy, right? You will be shocked hIMG-20150705-WA0012ow people forget easy and simple things. Anyway ,after that step of being a registered member, you take heels to the next step- assuming you are a Newbie ( a recently joined member of the youth group), you register for the youth seminar and get commissioned and you will qualify for the card, which will cost you 250/=.

After been awarded the membership card, you will qualify for a youth badge after 6 months of good morals, yeah you have to show you are worth to be awarded badge which also cost 250/=. Only a day to the Youth seminar and 2 (two) days to the commissioning. After getting both the membership card and the badge,it’s now up-to you conquer the world and spread the gospel of Jesus as P.C.E.A youth member, taking pIMG-20150705-WA0010art in major decision making as far as Presbyterian youth of Kenya is concern.


The commissioning was a success, we were graced by our regional youth coordinator Mr. John Kiriungi and our own Parish minister Rev. Ephraim Mbugua. We thank God for that day. Below are some of picture gallery of what happened on that day.


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The Candles represented the new light in the ones life that we rekindle after been commissioned  and the same candle was the one used to invite new youth, and the

same candle was used  IMG-20150705-WA0009  IMG-20150705-WA0011 IMG-20150705-WA0026 IMG-20150705-WA0025