Your Heart your Life Part 1

Guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of Life (Proverbs 4:23). We’ve all heard and read this verse over and over again. I paid a little bit more attention to this verse than I usually do. But why would the bible tell us to guard our hearts, Come to think of it, why not our brains? May be the following will shed some light exactly how important your heart is.

1.The heart is the wellspring of life.

“The source of supply for anything”. Our hearts are the sources of our actions and feelings. Every word that comes out of your mouth starts in the heart. Our actions are driven by our heart desires.

2.The lord seeks our hearts.

Proverbs 23:26

“My son give me your heart and let your eyes delight in my ways.” The lord seeks our hearts because that is where praise originates from. Psalms 9:1 …

“I will praise you o lord with all my heart I will tell of your wonders”.

 3. Heart is always the Enemy’s target.

Our hearts are and will always be under constant attacks from the enemy because the heart is fragile and vulnerable. The enemy knows this, so he will constantly send attacks targeted to our hearts because once our hearts are distorted, so will our actions and by that he will achieve what he wanted from you. Thank God, our God (See what I did there, I thank Him for him) his wisdom from Psalm 136:5 is overwhelming. The same wisdom he uses to teach us , constantly give us the test till we pass with flying colors talk of a perfect teacher. After all what doesn’t kill makes you stronger.

4. Heart as a Source of Joy

The heart is a source of joy: Proverbs 17:22 a cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

5. We will see God with our Hearts through Jesus Christ our Lord

The heart as a gateway to His Goodness: Mathew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. I will virtually underline the word Pure & Heart for you of course, me I have the picture already that is. You see with a broken heart, not only will it be hard to see God but to feel his goodness and enjoy the plans He has for us. The bible screams to us that God has plans for both if not all of us, those plans-to give you a future and hope – but with a broken Heart rests assure  you’ll suffer the same fate as what happens to all  broken records. Broken hearts VS broken records that is a story of another day.

We need to be careful about the things we allow into heart. We can’t allow Satan to dump his garbage of fear, doubt, and sin in the well of our heart.

So how does this apply in our lives as young Christian youths living in a world turned so upside down? As a young Christian woman I will tell you, living a life pleasing to God in this day and age is not as easy as I thought it would be. I have to be cautious of my words, my actions and of how I lead my life. I am constantly being watched by the world. You know, like they did to Jesus. It isn’t easy but it’s worth it.

The major tools that the enemy is using day in day out to attack us with, are relationships and marriages. Relationships these days have become something else. Divorces are rising, why you may ask? The enemy hates God and he hates relationship , where the bible specifically mentions that when two or more meet in a fellowship God is among them, more so with marriages too, I guess cause marriage itself is a portrayal of the Gospel( Ephesians 5:32).  I tried to compare relationships from ten years ago and now, there is a drastic change same to Marriage. The argument that we use to defend our actions is that this is another generation. “hizo enzi zilikua za wazazi wetu” (those were the old days). True, you are not wrong but the bible tells us that we are not of this world.

John 17:6(NIV) They are not of this world (disciples) even as I am not of it (Jesus).

So why should we conform to the ways of the world when the Lord himself has set us apart? Sexual immorality is at a high-rise in the current world. Sex is no longer sacred and for only the married, it is a daily trend to youngsters. The contents in our media and in some music are saddening. Purity is an irony to most of us. We’re stuck in a generation where sex is proof for love. This at the end of the day turns out to be heart-break, only to realize later that it was not real love. We end up giving too much of our hearts till we have no more to give because each time you give your heart to someone something is taken from you. So the more you give it to many people the less you will have to offer when you meet your soul mate. Some of us end up being so mad at the world and run around hurting people instead of healing our wounds. Sex in marriage is different. There is still passion and intense feelings from emotions but sex in marriage is based primarily on the coals of trust, devotion and sacrifice (1st Corinthians 7:1-5).

Love is that 1st Corinthians 13:4-8 and much more.


In conclusion, if you are heartbroken, let yourself heal first and guard your heart till you back on the life grid with God promises and goodness. If you are not hurt, guard your heart still , yes guard it jealously and learn not to awaken love till it so desires.

Songs of songs 1:7:Daughters of Jerusalem. I charge you by the gazelles and by doves of the field do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires”.

As hard as this might sound, I will still tell you for free that you should know that not every single and saved person you meet is your future spouse, especially in youth meetings and christians gathering to me you should be as careful as how you’d be in unfriendly places, those places we mark sodom hehe…I mean in Christian gathering we can most probably put our gaurd down as far as our hearts is concerned,after all we are all humans but take it from me consult God regradless and tread like you are constantly on thin Ice so that you can keep your heart protected.

For the heart-breakers out there, you should know when you heartbreak someone,  you are poking God in unpleasant way.

See you next time on the second series of your Heart your life.

Article by Cate



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