How to be, Not just a member but a recognized Youth Member?.

God have your way

P.C.E.A Ayub Kinyua Youth

Youth group- Age bracket of 18-35  years. If you fall in that category then you are a young and youthful human being, hence you  are termed as a  youth. If you want to be a full member of the youth group,it is very simple. Just register as a youth in your respective parish at a cost of an annual amount of 100/=. Easy, right? You will be shocked hIMG-20150705-WA0012ow people forget easy and simple things. Anyway ,after that step of being a registered member, you take heels to the next step- assuming you are a Newbie ( a recently joined member of the youth group), you register for the youth seminar and get commissioned and you will qualify for the card, which will cost you 250/=.

After been awarded the membership card, you will qualify for a youth badge after 6 months of good morals, yeah you have to…

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