Good Start…

P.C.E.A AyPCEA Youth Ministry Eldoret ub Kinyua Youth is church based youth organization in Eldoret whose mission is to reach all range of youth through the Gospel of Christ Jesus. This is been a new project “Blog” we pray, what we have started works. Under the ministry of Media and I.C.T we hope all will work for us the Youth to spread the gospel to all over the world. We all have dreams and wishes, but the difference is the determination and courage we have to chase those dreams.

God is a merciful God, He has plans for all of us as it’s clearly stated in the bible Jeremiah 29:11 “11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” #bible. And thus my initiative to go for my dreams, dreams of expanding our voice online as youth so to as to reach bigger audience , a dream to use modern ways to spread the gospel, a dream, for empowering our P.C.E.A youth, to spread love n create awareness of how great our God is. For that and much more in future it is my prayer that this new medium of spreading the word of God and more so to communicate with the youth out there, will prosper and achieve greatness as humble as it’s now. May God bless the work of our hands and let us keep on dreaming. till Next time for me it’s Adios.

PCEA YOUTH picture

3 thoughts on “Good Start…

  1. Thank you pati fr this good work and thanks to you oh God for giving us such talents in our youth group, may you continue blessing us and enlarging our territories through this blog.


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