P.C.E.A Ayub Kinyua Convention 2015.

The date was 26th of June, the long awaited convention. We all were ready for this day from the start go. All teams were armed with all that was needed for the convention to be as suabuccessful as it  was.

The convention was awesome says the Youth secretary Ms. Regina Kiarie . Our theme was from Genesis 22. A story about  Abraham’s Faith. and this is the account of the 3 day event

Day 1: The start of our conventions our parish minister Rev. Mbugua launched it,  he also gave a word about the blessings that the lord has kept for us to kick start the event. The Youth was the biggest in population, talk of getting excited cause of the event.

We are the youth
Youth #Convention

Day 2: This day was a door to door evangelism day, where it was Led by our Evangelism Team- on the front line  Rev Mbugua  and Ev. Paul Muguru. Door to door evangelism resulted to 25 saved Souls *Halleluiah Halleluiah  Halleluiah, Praises* It was a happy day and . That is nothing compared to the joyous celebration in heaven when 25 people received Christ as their personal Savior.

During evening session, we had a speaker from Uganda Evangelist Rodgers Bwire who talked about  sacrifice and gave a good detail information on giving the best & expect more. After the evening session, at night we had the revival where a guest Rev from St Andrews Church preached that eve and the sermon was about how us Christians should be  getting connected with our blessings

 Day 3: The last and the third day of this event was on Sunday it was the climax & Rev Emmanuel Nkoitik from Thika parish was the man the speaker of the day. A lot happened on that day, from powerful message the youth choir and the praise team were all under anointing of the Holy spirit. People were blessed beyond measure. You could tell that after the service, people simply didn’t want the event to end.


We were blessed the teachings, Faith strengthening stories and wonderful preaching from all the guest speakers the turn out all was amazing, I was touched especially with the turn out and more so the participation of the youth as a Team. May God bless us and what we were taught during the the whole convention grow in us as our daily bread.

Can’t wait for the Youth Seminar and Commissioning till next time for me it’s bye bye.





Youth Group: Media & I.C.T

Media and I.C.T

This group was founded on the year 2012 when the church thought of installing in a Projector, and the leadership of former parish minister Rev. Philip Gichuri. The youth took up the ministry of I.C.T & Media and they was a big impact. Later the church leadership added 3 Display units to make the ministry due to the growing need of the ministry for it helped during the service.

PCea ayub Kinyua Dedication of the team also grew up with the need of the congregation, new supporting software and innovation ideas were brought to ground and finally, it was a recognize ministry of the church.

Now the I.C.T & media group, is one of the many recognize youth group in church- in charge of the Media related activities and any IT related issues. Also the managing of this blog and other social media accounts. Online involvement particularly has been good medium for gospel preaching, making gospel accessible online as far our congregation is concern. Under the leadership and support of our current parish minister Rev. Ephraim Mbugua, we believe we will grow as the Youth both in number and more so spiritual, reaching all manner of people all over the world with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our prayer is that God to bless what we have started and guide us all the way through.

Compiled by head of the Media & I.C.T group @Mwangipat.

Good Start…

P.C.E.A AyPCEA Youth Ministry Eldoret ub Kinyua Youth is church based youth organization in Eldoret whose mission is to reach all range of youth through the Gospel of Christ Jesus. This is been a new project “Blog” we pray, what we have started works. Under the ministry of Media and I.C.T we hope all will work for us the Youth to spread the gospel to all over the world. We all have dreams and wishes, but the difference is the determination and courage we have to chase those dreams.

God is a merciful God, He has plans for all of us as it’s clearly stated in the bible Jeremiah 29:11 “11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” #bible. And thus my initiative to go for my dreams, dreams of expanding our voice online as youth so to as to reach bigger audience , a dream to use modern ways to spread the gospel, a dream, for empowering our P.C.E.A youth, to spread love n create awareness of how great our God is. For that and much more in future it is my prayer that this new medium of spreading the word of God and more so to communicate with the youth out there, will prosper and achieve greatness as humble as it’s now. May God bless the work of our hands and let us keep on dreaming. till Next time for me it’s Adios.

PCEA YOUTH picture